Eastern Mediterranean Tobacco

Aromatic Eastern Mediterranean tobacco ready for consumption

The Eastern Mediterranean region has a rich and fascinating history with tobacco, dating back centuries. This area is home to unique tobacco varieties, cultivation techniques, and cultural influences that have shaped the global tobacco landscape. As trade routes expanded, Eastern Mediterranean tobacco gained popularity and became a sought-after commodity worldwide. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of Eastern Mediterranean tobacco, exploring its history, production, and cultural significance. Prepare to be captivated by the fascinating world of Eastern Mediterranean tobacco.

Early Beginnings

Tobacco cultivation in the Eastern Mediterranean region dates back centuries, with traditional methods passed down through generations. The use of tobacco, particularly in the form of waterpipe or hookah, has deep roots in the region’s culture and social practices.

Modern Developments

In recent decades, the tobacco landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean has evolved significantly. The introduction of flavored tobacco in the early 1990s, for instance, has led to a surge in popularity, particularly among younger demographics.

Traditional Methods

Traditional tobacco cultivation in the Eastern Mediterranean involves a labor-intensive process, with farmers relying on age-old techniques. However, the region accounts for less than 1% of tobacco leaf growing in Africa.

Modern Techniques

Modern cultivation techniques have been introduced in recent years, with a focus on increasing yield and quality. Despite these advancements, the region still imports a significant amount of tobacco leaf, accounting for almost 39% of total tobacco leaf imported by Africa.

Traditional Tobacco

Traditional tobacco, known locally as Ajami, has a strong, harsh smoke and has historically been used by older men.

Flavored Tobacco

Flavored tobacco, introduced in the early 1990s, has become increasingly popular, particularly among young people and women. Flavors such as apple, strawberry, grape, cherry, mint, and cappuccino are particularly appealing.

Traditional Practices

Traditional practices, such as smoking waterpipe or hookah, are deeply ingrained in the region’s culture. These practices often involve social gatherings where people come together to smoke and socialize.

Modern Trends

Modern trends show a shift towards flavored tobacco, particularly among younger demographics. The perception that waterpipe tobacco use is relatively safe compared to smoking cigarettes has contributed to its popularity.

Local Economies

Tobacco cultivation and production play a significant role in local economies, providing income for many farmers and businesses. However, the region’s reliance on imported tobacco leaf indicates a need for increased local production.

Global Trade

The Eastern Mediterranean region plays a significant role in global tobacco trade, accounting for about 63.3% of Africa s total cigarette imports.

what are the different types of tobacco grown in the eastern mediterranean region

The Eastern Mediterranean region is known for its unique tobacco varieties, which are sought after for their distinct flavors and aromas. However, the specific types of tobacco grown in the region are not explicitly mentioned in the search results.

One type of tobacco that is known to be grown in the Middle East and Mediterranean region is Oriental tobacco, also known as Mediterranean tobacco. This is a sun-cured, highly aromatic, small-leafed variety that is grown in countries like Turkey, Greece, and the Balkans.

Another type of tobacco associated with the region is Latakia, a fire-cured tobacco that originated in Syria. It’s known for its robust and smoky flavor and is often used in pipe tobacco blends.

what are the current tobacco control policies in the eastern mediterranean region

The Eastern Mediterranean Region has implemented various tobacco control policies, many of which are guided by the World Health Organization’s MPOWER measures. These measures include:

  1. Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies: This involves regularly collecting data on tobacco use and the effectiveness of prevention policies. As of 2019, only five countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region have complete tobacco monitoring policies.
  2. Protecting people from tobacco smoke: This includes implementing smoke-free laws. As of 2021, 17 out of 22 countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region have banned the use of waterpipes (shishas) in public places.
  3. Offering help to quit tobacco use: This involves providing access to services that help people quit tobacco use. The specifics of these services can vary by country.
  4. Warning about the dangers of tobacco: This includes implementing health warnings on tobacco products. As of 2020, over half of the total population of the Eastern Mediterranean Region is covered by the highest level of health warnings.
  5. Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship: This involves implementing comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising. As of 2020, the coverage for the advertising bans measure is 29.4%.
  6. Raising taxes on tobacco: This involves implementing high levels of taxation on tobacco products. As of 2020, the coverage for the taxation measure is 16.1%.

what are the recommended sources for information on eastern mediterranean tobacco

The recommended sources for information on Eastern Mediterranean tobacco include:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO) Reports and Publications: The WHO, particularly the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO), provides comprehensive reports and publications on tobacco use and control in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  2. Tobacco Control Journal: This peer-reviewed journal publishes research and reviews on the nature and consequences of tobacco use worldwide, including the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  3. TobaccoTactics: This resource provides information on the tactics the tobacco industry uses to undermine public health, including in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  4. Global Tobacco Index: This resource provides information on tobacco industry interference in different regions, including the Eastern Mediterranean.
  5. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Journal: This open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishes articles on the prevention and cessation of tobacco use, including research specific to the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  6. International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Reports: The IDRC conducts research on various global health issues, including tobacco use. It has reports on patterns of tobacco use, such as waterpipe smoking, in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
  7. PubMed Central (PMC) Articles: PMC is a free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. It includes articles on tobacco dependence treatment services in the Eastern Mediterranean region.


Eastern Mediterranean tobacco has a rich history and significant cultural importance. However, the health risks associated with tobacco use and the economic implications of reliance on imported tobacco leaf present ongoing challenges. Efforts to control tobacco use and promote sustainable alternatives are crucial for the region’s health and economic future.

Statistics on Eastern Mediterranean Tobacco

Prevalence of Tobacco Use

Tobacco use in the Eastern Mediterranean region varies by country, with smoking prevalence among adults ranging from 8.1% in Oman to 35.0% in Jordan and Lebanon.

Trends in Tobacco Use

Tobacco use trends in the region are concerning, with the number of smokers continuing to grow. Waterpipe tobacco smoking, in particular, has spread rapidly over the past three decades, especially among young people.

Frequently Asked Questions

Impact of Tobacco Use on Noncommunicable Diseases

Tobacco use significantly contributes to the burden of noncommunicable diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean region. It is a major risk factor for diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases.

Prevalence of Cigarette and Waterpipe Smoking

Cigarette and waterpipe smoking are prevalent in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The prevalence of waterpipe smoking is particularly high in Lebanon (36.9%) and the West Bank (32.7%).

MPOWER Measures and Their Implementation

The MPOWER measures, introduced by the World Health Organization, are a set of six key tobacco control measures. The Eastern Mediterranean region has made progress in implementing these measures, but challenges remain.

Smoking Rates and Trends

Smoking rates in the Eastern Mediterranean region are projected to increase, according to WHO reports. Despite efforts to control tobacco use, the prevalence of smoking is expected to rise.

Achievements and Future of Tobacco Control

Significant achievements have been made in tobacco control in the Eastern Mediterranean region, including the implementation of smoke-free laws and tobacco taxation. However, the future of tobacco control requires continued efforts, particularly in enforcing existing laws and regulations.

Recommended Books on Eastern Mediterranean Tobacco

“Tobacco Use in Shisha: Studies on Waterpipe Smoking in Egypt” is a recommended book that provides in-depth insights into the prevalence and impacts of waterpipe smoking in the Eastern Mediterranean region, particularly in Egypt https://www.amazon.com/Tobacco-Use-Shisha-Waterpipe-Publication/dp/9290215690.

Sources of Information

Reliable sources of information on Eastern Mediterranean tobacco include reports and publications by the World Health Organization, particularly the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO) https://www.emro.who.int/emhj-volume-26-2020/volume-26-issue-1/smoking-prevalence-in-the-eastern-mediterranean-region.html


Citations for this article include authoritative sources such as the World Health Organization and peer-reviewed articles published in reputable journals https://tobaccotactics.org/article/eastern-mediterranean-region/